install: line 137: /driver/ No such file or directoryĬp: cannot stat ‘/driver/usbmod’: No such file or directoryĬp: cannot stat ‘/driver/startMobilePartner’: No such file or directory ‘/etc/rc4.d/K10runhwactivator’ -> ‘/etc/init.d/runhwactivator’
‘/etc/rc4.d/S99runhwactivator’ -> ‘/etc/init.d/runhwactivator’ UNLOCKING MODEM: As usual, modems from cellular operators are delivered blocked - they can work only with SIM cards of this operator. ‘/etc/rc2.d/K10runhwactivator’ -> ‘/etc/init.d/runhwactivator’ ‘/etc/rc2.d/S99runhwactivator’ -> ‘/etc/init.d/runhwactivator’ ‘/etc/rc3.d/K10runhwactivator’ -> ‘/etc/init.d/runhwactivator’ I do see this error when I try the NDIS option instead of RAS: The Mobile Partner. ‘/etc/rc3.d/S99runhwactivator’ -> ‘/etc/init.d/runhwactivator’ 0 Sign in to vote With the latest upgrade to Windows 10 Tech Preview I can no longer connect to wireless mobile broadband. install: line 126: /driver/Uninstall: No such file or directory install: line 125: /driver/Uninstall: No such file or directory ‘/etc/rc5.d/K10runhwactivator’ -> ‘/etc/init.d/runhwactivator’ have already posted some day ago about Huawei Mobile Partner 23 dashboard with all indian network profile enabled. While installing Mobile partner I got error saying NDIS driver failed so because of that I followed this link and according to that I changed my hw_cdc_driver.c file and while installing driver I'm getting error what is the solution for this problem ‘/etc/init.d/runhwactivator’